A. | It is up to you to change the address. It is always better if your passport indicates your current address. For this purpose, you need to fill up form-II and submit it along with valid proof of your residential address at Passport Office of the area of where you reside. |

A. | Yes. You can apply for miscellaneous services at Passport Office where you are presently residing. |

A. | We are no longer affixing ECNR stamp in passports. In fact it is not even printed in the new passport booklets. Currently, only ECR stamp is being put in passports if applicant is not eligible for ECNR. However, you are entitled to ECNR status if you possess qualification of Matriculation or above. Even you can get ECNR status on the basis of provisional matriculation certificate if the mark sheets of all semesters of your course are available with you. |

A. | In this case, you need to put your signatures only below column 19 of theform. |

A. | Yes. Identity Certificate (Annexure-"B") issued by the competent authority in prescribed Performa is a must for these employees for getting their passports, without police verification. |

A. | Only those persons working in companies, which are owned by the State/Central Governments, need to submit “Identity Certificates”. Employees of Private Banks are not required to submit “Identity Certificates” for getting passports. |

A. | It is better to include your spouse’s name in your passport. For this, please file up Form No.II(EAP-II) form and submit it along with marriage certificate, photocopy of spouse’s passport (if she has one) and proof of stay (if the present address is different from the one in the passport). Note : The procedure is the same if one wants to include her husband’s name in the passport. |

A. | Endorsement of child’s name in parents’ passports is not allowed anymore. As per the amended law, minors should have separate passports. |

A. | Yes. Consent of the spouse, who is abroad, is required for submitting the application. It should be in the form of a Sworn Affidavit duly attested by the Indian Embassy/Consulate abroad. |

A. | Passports are Re-issued after the expiry of their 10-year validity period. If you had been issued a Short Validity Passport (i.e. a passport of validity less than 10 years) apply for renewal to extend the normal validity of the existing passport to 10 years. In the case of Re-issue of passport a normal fee of Rs.1000/- will be charged whereas for extending the validity (renewal) no fee is charged. |

A. | In such a case, you have to fill up Application Form No. I(EAP-I) form and submit it along with original/photocopy of your expired passport and proof of your residence/address. However, since the passport expired 4 years ago, fresh police verification will be required in your case. |

A. | For instance, if you are a student staying in Rohtak (which falls under the jurisdiction of RPO, Chandigarh) and your parents are staying in Hissar which also falls under the jurisdiction of RPO Chandigarh , You can apply at RPO, Chandigarh. For this purpose, along with your form you have to provide four Personal Particulars forms. Please also indicate your hostel address/the place where you are staying in Rohtak as present address and your parent’s address as Permanent address. In case you are studying and staying in Bangalore , you can either apply to the Passport Office Bangalore or in the Passport Office in whose jurisdiction your parents’ address (permanent address) is located.e.g Delhi. In the later case , fill up an additional set of Personal particulars form giving the address in Bangalore. For proof of residence at your hostel/place of stay, either you should provide a letter from the Principal/Warden or proof of residence of the guardian with whom you are staying along with the guardianship affidavit. You should also provide proof of your parents address (i.e. permanent address). |

A. | While you apply in person, two copies of all the documents duly self attested have to be handed over at the counter along with the originals, which will be returned after verification at the counter immediately. While applying by post, you have to submit two copies of all the documents duly attested by a Gazetted Officer bearing his name seal and address of his office. |

A. | Form 16(a) for the last 3 years along with copies of acknowledgement of your returns. |

A. | Yes. You can apply at Passport Office, Delhi. For this purpose, you have to submit proof of seven months’ stay in Delhi and also mention the previous address in the application form for which you are also required to submit 2 additional Personal Particulars forms along with the application. |

A. | Yes. You can apply under Tatkal scheme and pay the Tatkal fee of Rs. 1,500/1000 as the case may be, and a Verification Certificate (Annexure-F) or three documents as mentioned under Tatkal Category of Passport Information Booklet along with Standard Affidavit (Annexure-I). |

A. | (i) Divorce deed duly authenticated by Court and (ii) Deed Poll or Sworn Affidavit as per specimen in Annexure –D given in the Passport Information booklet attached to the application. |

A. | Yes, Birth Certificate issued by Municipal authorities only is acceptable for those born on or after 26.01.1989. |

A. | Yes. But the entry of first wife name will remain intact if divorce is not obtained. |

A. | e-Ticket (electronic ticket) is a number given to passenger in place of a paper ticket. Passengers are required to show this unique confirmation number at the airline counter of airport to get boarding card. The passenger also has the option to carry airline PNR (passenger name record) number if the reservation has been processed electronically. |

A. | Age of accompanying children must be between 2-11years. |

A. | Age of Infant must be less then 2 years. |

A. | Yes, it is mandatory for you to carry a copy of your e-ticket along with a proof of identity. If you fail to present a copy of your e-ticket. |

A. | No Its not mandatory to carry your passport while travelling within India, however you need to carry a valid photographic identity proof (passport, driver's license etc.). |

A. | You will need to show your e-Ticket confirmation email and e-Ticket number along with a photographic identity proof (passport, driver's license etc.) at the airport check-in counter of the airline. The airline representative will issue your boarding pass at that time. |

A. | Cancellation and/or amendment charges will depend on the fare rule at which the ticket is purchased; the same shall vary from airline to airline and ticket to ticket. |

A. | E-ticket has several benefits. An e-ticket can not be lost, forgotten or stolen and enables all ticket procedures to be faster, more practical and safer from reservation to boarding. |

A. | Front row / exit row seats with extra leg space are generally blocked for the frequent flyer and are assigned only at the airport or are opened at the time of web check in. Please arrive early at the airport it case you need the same. |

A. | Above are two general meal options, there are however other dietary options available as mentioned below. It needs to be re confirmed if the same is available with the airline on that specific route.

A. | Please provide your local contact no to the airline / travel team for your country of origin as well as all the stopover and destination points. It will be easier for airline to contact you in case of flight delay. |

A. | In case your travel involves connecting flight please check if the connecting time is sufficient. At the time of check in at the airport please make sure your baggage is checked in till you destination. In certain cases the same may not be possible, you may have to collect you bags and check in again at the transit city, this process may involve crossing emigration and may require visa. There are countries which may require visa even if you are check in through. |

A. | Almost all airlines have their are own frequent flyer. You can accumulate points / miles for you travel on that airline as well as partner airlines and for stay at the partner Hotels. The points / miles can be redeemed for complimentary ticket. |

A. | Foreign exchange can be purchased from any authorised dealer. Besides authorised dealers, full-fledged money changers are also permitted to release exchange for business and private visits. |

A. | An authorized dealer is normally a bank specifically authorized by the Reserve Bank under Section 10(1) of FEMA,1999, to deal in foreign exchange or foreign securities (List available on www.fedai.org.in ). |

A. | Authorized dealers can release foreign exchange up to USD 25,000 for a business trip to any country other than Nepal and Bhutan. Release of foreign exchange exceeding USD 25,000 for a travel abroad (other than Nepal and Bhutan) for business purposes, irrespective of period of stay, requires prior permission from Reserve Bank. Visits in connection with attending of an international conference, seminar, specialised training, study tour, apprentice training, etc., are treated as business visits. Incidentally, no release of foreign exchange is admissible for any kind of travel to Nepal and Bhutan or for any transaction with persons resident in Nepal and Bhutan. |

A. | Authorized dealers may release foreign exchange upto USD 100,000 or its equivalent to resident Indians for medical treatment abroad on self declaration basis of essential details, without insisting on any estimate from a hospital/doctor in India/abroad. A person visiting abroad for medical treatment can obtain foreign exchange exceeding the above limit, provided the request is supported by an estimate from a hospital/doctor in India/abroad. This release of foreign exchange of USD 100,000 is to meet the expenses involved in treatment and it is in addition to the amount of USD 25,000 released for maintenance expenses of a patient going abroad for medical treatment or check-up abroad, or for accompanying as attendant to a patient going abroad for medical treatment/check-up. |

A. | Authorized dealers may release foreign exchange for an amount of USD 100,000 per academic year or the estimate received from the institution abroad, whichever is higher. Students going abroad for studies are treated as Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and are eligible for all the facilities available to NRIs under FEMA. In addition, they can receive remittances up to USD 100,000 from close relatives (as defined in Section 6 of the Companies Act,1956) from India on self-declaration, towards maintenance, which could include remittances towards their studies also. Educational and other loans availed of by students as resident in India can be allowed to continue. There is no dilution in the existing remittance facilities to students in regard to their academic pursuits. |

A. | In connection with private visits abroad, viz., for tourism purposes, etc., foreign exchange up to USD10,000, in any one financial year may be obtained from an authorised dealer on a self-declaration basis. The ceiling of USD10,000 is applicable in aggregate and foreign exchange may be obtained for one or more than one visit provided the aggregate foreign exchange availed of in one financial year does not exceed the prescribed ceiling of USD10,000 {The facility was earlier called B.T.Q or F.T.S.}. This limit of USD10,000 per financial year can be availed of by a person along with foreign exchange for travel abroad for any purpose, including for employment or immigration or studies. However, no foreign exchange is available for visit to Nepal and/or Bhutan for any purpose. |

A. | Person going abroad for employment can draw foreign exchange up-to USD100,000 from any authorised dealer in India on the basis of self-declaration. |

A. | Person going abroad on emigration can draw foreign exchange upto USD100,000 on self- declaration basis from an authorized dealer in India. This amount is only to meet the incidental expenses in the country of emigration. No amount of foreign exchange can be remitted outside India to become eligible or for earning points or credits for immigration. All such remittances require prior permission of the Reserve Bank. |

A. | In case of dance troupes, artistes, etc., who wish to undertake cultural tours abroad, they should obtain prior approval from the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India, New Delhi. |

A. | Travelers are allowed to purchase foreign currency notes/coins only up to USD 2000. Balance amount can be taken in the form of travelers cheque or banker’s draft. Exceptions to this are (a) travelers proceeding to Iraq and Libya can draw foreign exchange in the form of foreign currency notes and coins not exceeding USD 5000 or its equivalent; (b) travelers proceeding to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Russian Federation and other Republics of Commonwealth of Independent States can draw entire foreign exchange in the form of foreign currency notes or coins. |

A. | For the purpose of studies abroad, exchange for maintenance expenses is released in the form of (i) currency notes up to USD 2,000, (ii) the balance foreign exchange may be taken in the form of travelers cheques or bank draft payable overseas. |

A. | The foreign exchange acquired for any purpose has to be used within 180 days of purchase. In case it is not possible to use the foreign exchange within the period of 180 days, it should be surrendered to an authorized person. |

A. | Foreign exchange for travel abroad can be purchased from authorized person against rupee payment in cash up to Rs.50,000/-. However, if the rupee equivalent exceeds Rs.50,000/-, the entire payment should be made by way of a crossed cheque/banker’s cheque/pay order/demand draft only. |

A. | On return from a foreign trip, travellers are required to surrender unspent foreign exchange held in the form of currency notes and travellers cheques within 180 days of return. However, they are free to retain foreign exchange upto USD 2,000, in the form of foreign currency notes or TCs for future use or credit to their RFC(Domestic) Accounts without any limit. |

A. | Residents have the choice of either holding foreign currency up to USD 2,000 or its equivalent or credit the amount to their RFC(Domestic) Accounts provided the foreign exchange was acquired by them

A. | The residents can hold foreign coins without any limit. |

A. | Use of the International Credit Cards (ICCs) / ATMs/ Debit Cards can be made for making personal payments like subscription to foreign journals, internet subscription, etc., and for travel abroad in connection with various purposes. The entitlement of foreign exchange on International Credit Cards (ICCs) is limited by the credit limit fixed by the card issuing authority only. With ICCs one can (i) meet expenses/make purchases while abroad (ii) make payments in foreign exchange for purchase of books and other items through internet in India. If the person has a foreign currency account in India or with a bank overseas, he/she can even obtain ICCs of overseas banks and reputed agencies. Use of these instruments for payment in foreign exchange in Nepal and Bhutan is not permitted. |

A. | person coming into India from abroad can bring in with him Indian currency notes within the limits given below

A. | A person is allowed to carry foreign exchange in the form of currency notes/coins up to USD 2,000 or its equivalent only. Balance amount as applicable can be carried in the form of travellers cheque or banker/s draft. (In this connection please see item No.11). |

A. | Residents are free to take outside India (other than to Nepal and Bhutan) currency notes of Government of India and Reserve Bank of India notes up to an amount not exceeding Rs. 5,000/ - per person. They may take or send outside India (other than to Nepal and Bhutan) commemorative coins not exceeding two coins each. Explanation : 'Commemorative Coin' includes coin issued by Government of India Mint to commemorate any specific occasion or event and expressed in Indian currency. A person can take or send out of India to Nepal or Bhutan, currency notes of Government of India and Reserve Bank of India notes (other than notes of denominations of above Rs. 100); |

A. | A person coming into India from abroad can bring with him foreign exchange without any limit. However, if the aggregate value of the foreign exchange in the form of currency notes, bank notes or travellers cheques brought in exceeds USD 10,000/- or its equivalent and/or the value of foreign currency exceeds USD 5,000/- or its equivalent, it should be declared to the Customs Authorities at the Airport in the Currency Declaration Form (CDF), on arrival in India. |

A. | You can buy foreign exchange in currency tradable in India. |

A. | It is recommended to carry the local currency of the respective country where you are traveling in order to avoid conversion loss. |

A. | A visa is a document which allows someone to travel into a specific country and stay there for a set period of time. Generally, a visa may only be issued at the Consulate of the country or, in some cases, at the border. Visas may be stamped or glued directly into a passport or they may be issued electronically. Some countries require everyone who enters to obtain a visa, while others have what are known as reciprocal agreements with certain countries that waive visa requirements. A visa may allow one, two or multiple entries before the expiration date of the visa. It is important to research visa requirements before traveling internationally to avoid any issues with border control officials and airlines. If a destination country requires a visa and the traveler does not have it in his/her passport, the airline may refuse to board this person on the plane. |

A. | There are several countries that require all visa applications to be submitted in the assigned consular jurisdiction. Consular jurisdiction is the geographic area for which a consulate has responsibility for issuing visas. When a consulate is jurisdictional, it can only process visas for those who reside in a state within their jurisdiction. |

A. | The Schengen Visa has made traveling between its European member countries much easier and less bureaucratic. Traveling on a Schengen Visa means that the visa holder can travel to any (or all) member countries using one single visa, thus avoiding the hassle and expense of obtaining individual visas for each country. This is particularly beneficial for persons who wish to visit several European countries on the same trip. |

A. | Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France and Monaco, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland. |

A. | Schengen visa must be applied from The Embassy / The Consulate of the country where you will be staying for maximum number of days. If your stay has equal number of days in each country then you must apply to The Embassy / The Consulate of the country which would serve as the first port of entry. |

A. | There are few countries for which you have to apply for transfer for visa from old passport to new passport, many countries permit you to travel buy just carry your old passport containing valid visa with you current passport. |

A. | An airport transit visa allows the applicant to stay within the airport area only, the applicant is not allowed to go through customs. If your transit country involves airport change then you need to apply for Transit visa. |

A. | The transit visa is a visa that entitles you to a stay in a country for up to 72 hours. It is issued to travellers holding a visa for a country of their final destination and who desire to transit for a few days. When you apply for your transit visa, your passport must already have the visa of the country of your final destination. If you remain in the airport zone, before proceeding to a State that is not part of the Schengen States, you will be issued an Airport Transit Visa. |

A. | Few countries like Thailand, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Mauritius etc… grant visa on arrival for Indian National. |

A. | Standard document required for Visa on arrival are
Each country may have different requirement kindly check before your travel |

A. | For travel to Brazil, Ghana, Nigeria, USA, Bermuda, Canada 2pc of bag weight not more than 23kg and size not more than 62 inches (Total of Length + Height + Width). For countries other than Brazil, Ghana, Nigeria, USA, Bermuda, Canada.
However the allowance may vary from airline to airline. |

A. |
However the allowance may vary from airline to airline. |

A. | Below restriction applies on what liquids and gels a passenger can carry in cabin baggage
Note : Once a passenger has passed through security screening, they can purchase any size beverage and other liquid or gel products in the terminal and take them on to the plane.
In view of increased security measures at airports worldwide and in compliance with regulations received from the Government of India, New Delhi, the following items will be confiscated and not returned to passengers if found in hand baggage by the security staff at the boarding gate

A. | Personal Items Lighters, Scissors-metal with pointed tips, Realistic replica of toy weapon. Sharp Objects Box Cutters, Ice Axes/Ice Picks, Knives (any length and type except round-bladed, butter, and plastic cutlery), Meat Cleavers, Razor-type blades such as box cutters, utility knives, razor blades not in a cartridge, but excluding safety razors, Sabers, Sword. Sporting Goods Baseball Bats, Bows and Arrows, Cricket Bats, Golf Clubs, Hockey Sticks, Lacrosse Sticks, Pool Cues, Ski Poles, Spear Guns. Guns and Firearms Ammunition, BB guns, Compressed Air Guns, Firearms, Parts of Guns and Firearms, Pellet Guns, Realistic Replicas of Firearms, Starter pistols. Tools Axes and hatchets, Cattle Prods, Crowbars, Hammers, Drills (including cordless portables power drills), Saws (including cordless portable power saws), Screwdrivers (except those in eyeglass repair kits), Tools (including but not limited to wrenches and pliers), Wrenches and Pliers. Martial Arts / Self Defense Items Billy Clubs, Black Jacks, Brass Knuckles, Kubatons, Mace/Pepper Spray, Martial Arts Weapons, Night Sticks, Nunchakus, Martial Arts/Self Defense Items, Stun Guns/Shocking Devices, Throwing Stars. |

A. |

A. | The International Driver's License / Document is a document which when attached along with the Original Driver's License gives a person the right to drive a vehicle in more than 200 countries worldwide. It is not a substitute for the Original Driver's License and thus must always be used as a complementary document when traveling abroad. The International Driver's License, is simply a translation of the information contained in the Original Driver's License in some languages that helps a person to explain to the traffic police of that particular country that he/she has the right to drive a motor vehicle in that country. |

A. | There are few countries which permit you to drive on the basis of Indian driving license, please check the rules of respective country before travelling. |

A. | There are two reasons to have the vaccine
Yellow Fever is a serious and potentially fatal disease, but sometimes you need to have the vaccine so you can get a certificate that will allow you to enter certain countries.

A. | Africa, Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad Congo: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo: Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania Togo Uganda, Central America & South America, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela. |

A. |

A. | A private doctor will not be able to issue a certificate from the same so it is required to take the vaccine from government authorized center and obtain a certificate. |

A. | Yellow fever Vaccine certificate is valid for 10 years. |

A. | One usually travels abroad for two reasons - a pleasure trip or a business trip. You do not want anything to ruin your hard earned holiday or your crucial business meeting. But there is a possibility of some unexpected occurrence no matter how perfect the planning is. Unfortunate events such as baggage loss, passport loss, a medical emergency or an accident can affect you. Having Overseas Travel Insurance protects you from all such perils. It ensures that in the unknown foreign land you are not left stranded in any kind of an emergency. |
A. | You can buy your overseas medical insurance any time prior to your travel, It is however recommended to buy the same as soon as you book your ticket or Hotel since overseas medical insurance also covers (Check the coverage’s of the policy) waver of the cancellation charges under certain circumstances. |
A. | Yes, passport loss is covered in our policy. Expenses incurred towards the procurement of a duplicate / temporary passport are also covered. |
A. | If your baggage is delayed for more than 12 hours, the compensation for emergency items purchased, like medicines, clothing and toiletries would be given. If your baggage is lost, then compensation for the market value of the items lost is given. |
A. | In case of an emergency, go to the hospital and avail the treatment. Then call the helpline number and they will assist you in providing for cashless services |
A. | In case of an emergency, go to the hospital and avail the treatment. Then call the helpline number and they will assist you in providing for cashless services

A. | Web Check In or check In on line is a facility to check in from the web and obtain the boarding pass online and one can avoid long queue at the airport. |
A. | Passenger can select seat, update frequent flyer number and passport details while doing online check in. |
A. | Web check in can be done 6-48 hours prior to departure however the same depends from airline to airline. |

A. | You can save up to 70% on International roaming with International SIM cards, International Postpaid SIM, International Prepaid SIM & Data Cards. Most of International SIM cards offer Free Incoming Calls, low call back to India, Free Incoming SMS, local call rates & host of other features. |
A. | Yes, definitely. While you are traveling abroad for leisure or business, having a number and distributing it to your loved ones before leaving India is definitely a convenience. Besides that getting your phone recharged with credit is always a hassle. International Sim card gives you a satisfaction and peace of mind of not going out of credit while traveling to a different country and keeps you connected all the time. International SIM cards will help you save 70% on International roaming. |
A. | It is recommended to check with the distributor while buying the sim if your handset will work in the respective country. |
A. | There lot of distributors who provide International SIM Card & Data Card to name a few
A. | To make an International Call
Please Note : Every country has different dialing instructions. Therefore, please refer the dialing instructions of the country of travel. You get a copy of your dialing instruction along with our SIM card. |
A. | Call back to India differs from country to country; please refer the dialing instructions of the country of travel. You get a copy of your dialing instruction along with our SIM card. |
A. | Tariff plnas varies from Distributer to Distributer however check while checking the plans also take in to consideration all applicable taxes. Generally all plans are post paid. |
A. | There are general two type of card one is normal calling and other are Call back card. One Call back sim card provides incoming free in multiple countries, Outgoing call rates are higher then the country specific sim card however much lower then International roaming charges. |
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A. |
A. |
A. |

A. | There are many ways to find the flight status
A. | Airline will generally contact you in case of delay provided you have give your local contact to the airline. |